Sometimes I forget that the gender ideology insanity is ongoing. I’ve been over it for a while.
Over the past decade, since I was first made aware of the religion of genderism, and then saw it spread like wildfire, I have been baffled as, one by one, most of the elders that I love and respect have fallen to gender ideology programming, prostrating themselves in hopes of being spared the terror of public cancellation—the symbolic stoning-of-the-heretic of our age.
I suppose it was good practice for the wholesale cowardice on display with the appearance of St. Rona.
I’ve been a shameless heretic since the beginning—it’s both an impairment and a superpower, obviously—and I recognized early on that gender and Rona are part of the same program. They share the same goals: alienation, disembodiment, transhumanism, The Singularity, and ultimately, the attempted murder of God.
I have refused to perjure myself, but I’ve been cautious for so many years. I have no interest in becoming a martyr.
I’m very aware that there are very differing degrees of heresy—some have been deemed allowable, some are celebrated, and other iterations cross the line.
It’s one thing for Jordan Peterson, the appointed white knight of anti-wokeness, to proclaim that gender is nonsense.
It’s a bit of a different story for a lone-wolf mother with no institutional backing, a professional murder of trolls (like crows, get it?), and a pack of young children who depend on her for survival to be critiquing the most well-fortified systems of power of the patrix (and I do mean birth, sex, & death—control over which is the purpose of the industrial medical complex).
(I don’t mind Peterson, really, but there is a reason that a guy whose most brilliant, inspiring concept is that making one’s bed is a good idea has enjoyed such a rise to prominence. He’s not exactly a threat to the status-quo.)
Recently though, I have noticed a sea-change on the gender-front.
From sports organizations banning male individuals who want to be called women from competing in women’s divisions, to some celebrities speaking out..And yes, I know that organized sport and any form of celebrity is all bread and circuses—the same psy-op, different variations—but I can’t deny that it’s fun to watch the game unravel. (Did Macy Gray end up cowering to the bullies in the end? I wasn’t really paying attention to the aftermath, although I did add “Do Something” to my playlist—it holds up after 22 years!)
A couple of days ago, I saw a parenting coach whose work I have respected for a long time, on social media, questioning the use of the term “birthing parent” in lieu of “mother”, and pushing back against the overall complete insanity of the birth-world slavishly bending over for the genderists, scrambling to delete the very concept of womanhood from the language of birth entirely.
I was delighted. Emilee Saldaya (@freebirthsociety) and I have been among only a tiny handful of women in the birth-world to have refused to cave to the pressure to eviscerate the English language for the sake of validating the women who so profoundly loathe their womanhood that when they decide to become pregnant and give birth—the most decidedly womanly process available to women—they insist on being called “men”.
It’s very hopeful to see others beginning to wake up to the derangement of the gender creed.
The parenting coach in question is probably in her 70s, and clearly at the beginning stages of just starting to really doubt the righteousness of the gender dogma, and an interesting conversation ensued on her profile, with people piping in from both sides of the supposed debate.
As always, I was struck by the total devotion of the genderists, to their ideological stupor. The hypnotic mind-control is evident in the sameness of their responses—the vacancy of their inane repetition of illogic and ridiculousness.
There is no use in arguing with these people, I know. But I couldn’t help but state the obvious.
Only women give birth.
If a person has the capacity to become pregnant and to gestate a baby and give birth to it, that person is biologically female.
I call biologically female people “women”.
Biological sex is not a matter of “identification”, it is a material fact.
I can proclaim myself a baked potato, but to insist that others shift their language to accommodate that “identity” would be ludicrous.
The gender ideology movement is profoundly delusional, self-indulgent, and frankly narcissistic (not to mention frequently abusive and even physically violent).
Over the past decade, on the occasions I have pushed back against gender identitarianism, I’ve been blacklisted, threatened with rape, torture, death, and I’ve received threats to my children’s lives as well, (not to mention constantly being called a TERF and a transphobe and all manner of slurs) simply because I will not lie by modifying my language to validate a person’s self-concept that simply isn’t true.
The way I’ve been treated is nothing though, compared with the horrific abuses inflicted on the bodies and minds of those who have been actively predated upon by the medico-pharmaceutical gender industry.
There are thousands of testimonies available now, of women who have paid venal, rapacious surgeons to mutilate their bodies by slicing out their healthy normal breasts, or who have had the skin flayed from their arm or leg (leaving the limb scarred forever) in order to construct a necrotic dangling decaying flesh-pocket pretend-penis that is then sewn over their vulva.
There are women now speaking out despite their voices having been distorted by testosterone into a perpetually dissonant pubescent chirp, who are now prone to higher rates of cancer and other dis-eases, all for the sake of chasing the fallacious fantasy that they can divest themselves of their femaleness, and become men.
Similar stories abound from males whose bodies have been surgically and chemically ravaged by the high-paid butcher-priests of the cult of medicine.
The following story, by a male detransitioner, was shared publicly on Facebook, attributed to “TullipR”. (Be warned: The following is stomach-churning in its horrific honesty):
I want to tell everyone what they took from us, what irreversible really means, and what that reality looks like for us.
No one told me any of what I’m going to tell you now.
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all.
You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb, like it's shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on.
I tore a suture 4 days post recovery, they promised to address it, i begged them in emails to fix it, they scorned me instead.
Years later, I have what looks like a chunk of missing flesh next to my neo-vagina, it literally looks like someone hacked at me.
They still wont fix it.
No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can't be removed - meaning you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches.
When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree.
I wish this was a joke.
And if you do take testosterone after being post op, you run the risk of internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything?
What a choice... be healthy on Testosterone and a freak, or remain a sexless eunuch.
And thats something that will never come back and one of the reason why i got surgery.
My sex drive died about 6 months on HRT and at the time I was glad to be rid of it, but now 10 years later, Im realising what im missing out on and what I won't get back.
Because even if i had a sex drive, my neo-vagina is so narrow and small, i wouldn't even be able to have sex if i wanted to.
And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain, rather than pleasure.
Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isn’t possible and can risk further damage.
Then theres the dreams. I dream often, that I have both sets of genitals, in the dream I'm distressed I have both, why both I think? I tell myself to wake up because I know it’s just a dream.
And I awaken into a living nightmare.
In those moments of amnesia as I would wake, I would reach down to my crotch area expecting something that was there for 3 decades, and it's not.
My heart skips a beat, every single damn time.
Then theres the act of going to the toilet. It takes me about 10 minutes to empty my bladder, it's extremely slow, painful and because it dribbles no matter how much i relax, it will then just go all over that entire area, leaving me [soaked].
So after cleaning myself up, I will find moments later that my underwear is wet - no matter how much I wiped, it slowly drips out for the best part of an hour.
I never knew at 35 I ran the risk like smelling like piss everywhere I went.
Now i get to the point where im detransitioned and the realisation that this is permanent is catching up with me.
During transition, I was obsessive and deeply unwell, I cannot believe they were allowed to do this to me, even after all the red flags.
I wasn't even asked if I wanted to freeze sperm or want kids. In my obsessive, deeply unwell state they just nodded along and didnt tell me the realities, what life would be like.
And finally, theres dilation, which is like some sort of demonic ceremony where you impale yourself for 20 agonising minutes to remind you of your own stupidity.
This isn't even the half of it. And this isn't regret either, this is grief and anger.
Fuck everyone who let this happen.
I don’t even know what to call this. Heartbreaking doesn’t come close.
I’m honestly not sure which is more tragic: the women and men whose bodies have been irretrievably brutalized and mutilated, who see exactly what was done to them, and who regret everything, or the men and women who have spent thousands on gender “confirmation” surgeries and who still claim that they’ve “never been happier.”
I suspect that in most cases, the latter will become the former in due time.
Many detransitioners report being immediately shunned by the trans-community that groomed and love-bombed them into the surgeon’s office the moment they being to question what they’ve done to themselves.
What a fascinating thing it is to be a human being: a creature designed to cleave to the tribe, to seek acceptance from the clan, to live in a state of interdependence with others, and yet also incarnated with the purpose of being granted, in every instance, the freedom to choose exactly what we believe, and who we are, and how we apprehend or respond to a given situation.
The eternal paradox.
I fully stand by the freedom that each person has, to pretend they are whatever they want to pretend that they are, but I will also always maintain that having a fundamental level of respect for others presupposes that you can’t force them to share your religion or belief system.
I also fully support the right of every adult individual to modify their bodies in whatever way they like, to the extent that they can undertake those modifications independently.
What I do not condone or stand for, however, is the jurisdiction of doctors or the medical community to advertise, promote, or perform destructive, invasive surgeries for profit; to deform and disfigure otherwise healthy individuals on the inverted false pretext of the supposed mental harm that will come to someone in the event their perfectly functional primary and secondary sex organs are *not* amputated. (Add that one to the list of shit so obvious it’s surreal that I feel the need to actually state it openly).
I also find terms like “pregnant persons”, “menstruators”, “body-feeding”, and similar so-called “gender-neutral” language deeply offensive, alienating, and misogynistic.
You’re free to use those terms, of course. Just as I have a right to assert that only women give birth, only women are mothers, and that womanhood is an indelible biological fact that can’t be opted-out of using either surgery or one’s imagination.
“But it takes nothing away from you, to simply adopt gender-neutral terminology,” the chorus whines.
Actually, it does. Apart from the obvious misogyny of the erasure of sex from descriptions of biological processes that only pertain to female people (aka, women), to capitulate to the imposition of bizarre linguistic contortions on the basis of concepts that I know are not true, is a form of ritual humiliation.
If nothing else, it takes away my goddamned dignity.
I will not ever concede to one of the most popular newspeak assertions continuously parroted by zombified gender devotees: “trans women ARE women!!!”
Yet this is exactly what one of the women In the conversation initiated by the parenting coach asserted:
Trans women are not ‘men appearing as women’, she admonished, trans women are women just like cis women are women. Socially there is no reason to differentiate. Medically can be a different situation but that’s between a provider and their patient. We must stop calling respect for different human experiences ‘political’.
Yes, this is beyond hallucinatory, and I couldn’t help but push back, because it’s also… a lie.
You know that’s not true, I wrote, in reply.
I’m guessing that aside from your own evident political commitments, you too know that human beings reproduce sexually like all other mammals and that like all other mammals sex is the very first thing we notice about each other.
Sex differentiation can be perceived from metres away.
We can see sex, feel sex, and smell sex. It’s a matter of survival.
No one is actually confused about whether or not “transwomen” are women.
Everyone knows.
You yourself are politicizing an issue that is primal, biological, and indelible.
No amount of cosmetic surgery can change a person’s sex—sex is etched into every cell of our bodies.
Our immediate, instinctive perception of sex is a matter of survival—the survival of our species, but also the survival of women, specifically.
We hone our attunement to sex on the basis of the enormous investment involved in gestating, birthing, and then caring for our offspring.
The significance of sex is absolutely monumental, and the pretence that “trans women are women just like ‘cis’ women” is not only ludicrous, but deeply offensive.
In response, I was then told that I was failing to “honour” other people’s experiences, and I had to point out that lying to oneself and others to validate individual and collective delusion is the antithesis of honouring. But anyway.
Then another incoherent trope was trotted out:
So you're choosing to focus on sex over gender, and exclude many people whose understanding of who they are doesn't match their primary or secondary sexual characteristics? There are a lot of variations in chromosomal and physical sexual characteristics in nature. How do you account for those? Are you just willing to exclude anyone who doesn't fit neatly into your binary view of things?
I love this one.
No. The binary nature of biological sex in no way negates the variations, exceptions, aberrations, and disorders that occur as a result of changes in genetic expression and congenital differences.
Gender is largely social stereotypes projected onto sex. This is primarily a matter of socialization, trend, accessory, and accoutrement.
Without sex stereotypes, gender doesn’t mean much.
In the 16th century, masculinity was signified by high heels and cinched waists. So what. Baby boys used to be dressed in pink to correctly signify their male sex.
I don’t actually care what people want to wear, or how they want to adorn themselves, and It’s really not my problem that some people feel “excluded” by biological reality.
The fact is that sex IS binary. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species.
And please don’t write in to me about gay frogs.
I am so tired of people continuing to bring up atrazine and pseudoesteogens as a “possible explanation” or a “contributing factor” as to why there is a subset of the population committed to gaslighting the rest of us by insisting that we validate their evident delusions.
Hormone-disrupting poisons—while significant in many ways—do not explain bodycon dresses, stiletto heels, nail extensions, socially-sanctioned castration, or the decision to pay a surgeon to have bags of silicone sewn into one’s chest.
Herbicides certainly do not explain the propensity to insist that others chant one plus one equals zero, when there are two balls or two X’s in front of us.
The action—the choice, ultimately—of declaring one’s pronouns, putting on a dress, or, on the far end of the spectrum, inviting a surgeon to slice open one’s penis, turn it inside out, shimmy it up into one’s pelvis and call it a vagina —have NOTHING to do with endocrine modification, and everything to do with trauma, culturally encouraged narcissistic behaviour, mental dis-ease, and social contagion.
There are lots of stereotypically effeminate men who don’t feel the need to wear tiaras. There are heaps of infertile men with low-testosterone and hormonal issues who don’t have a passion for evening gowns.
There are scores of evidently hormonally compromised or imbalanced men who don’t insist that everyone around them pretend that they’re not men.
There are zero human beings who have the capacity to produce a third type of gamete, or both types of gamete (male and female) at the same time.
Ambiguous sex conditions like Turner syndrome or Kleinfelter syndrome are anomalous and are usually accompanied by infertility and other problems. These are not just “divergences” but conditions that are accompanied by often very series issues.
Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Sexual reproduction is always, inevitably, binary.
Humans aren’t clown fish or seahorses.
Everyone knows who the men are.
Male and female is the fundamental sexual variation among humans, and the infinite variations within that binary system prove the rule.
There are zero human beings who have the capacity to produce a third type of gamete, or both types of gametes (male and female) at the same time.
Every single human being on the planet produces either eggs, or sperm, or neither.
Sex is absolutely, literally, as binary as I have presented it to be in nature, as evidenced by every single human being on earth, and thousands of years of sexual reproduction, and by the nine children that have emerged from my own vagina.
Sexual reproduction, because of the formation of DNA and the way it is transcribed in gametes, can only EVER be the outcome of two-organism sexual reproduction, or cloning.
And only women give birth.
The fact that some very prominent mainstream publications (which are funded by the same corporate and oligarchical entities that profit from the mutilation and drugging of thousands in the name of trans ideology) are shamelessly shilling for this this biophobic , necrophiliac madness, and promulgating the blatantly “anti-science” notion that there are “multiple genders” (whatever that might mean to whomever) does not mean that it’s true.
I am also very aware that scientists are hard at work on inverting, subverting, and warping nature (and reproduction in particular), in all manner of psychotic, deviant ways.
I’m very aware that it’s probably already the case that human-animal hybrids have been created, babies can be grown in plastic bags or glass pods, and that crispr fanatics are well on their way to achieving their profane version of immortality.
This, again, does not mean that the profound authenticity and ineradicable precision of nature has actually been proven false.
It’s likewise grotesque, condescending, and (actually) racist, to attempt to justify this insanity by invoking the “two-spirit” concept which, as many indigenous activists have pointed out, is an oversimplification of a complex cultural dynamic, and quite an offensively inappropriate rationale or excuse for the medico-pharmaceutical genderist movement.
In every society and culture there have been people who don’t conform to gender stereotypes.
Indigenous tribal cultures and clans knew how babies were made, and they knew who among them had the biological capacity for either pregnancy or impregnantion. We all do.
I am continuously informed that there are those who feel excluded by sexed language.
Thank goodness that’s is not my concern nor my responsibility.
The purpose of language is to communicate information effectively. Doing so requires specificity and exclusion.
Discernment and differentiation.
In spite of the many woke-scoldings I’ve received over the years, I don’t feel any obligation whatsoever to honour individuals or ideological movements that seek to manipulate, bully, and gaslight others into agreeing to say things they don’t believe are true.
I will not pretend to share your bizarre belief system.
I am unwilling to play make-believe with you.
Gender ideology politics is wholesale gaslighting and abuse and I’m not interested.
I’m offering an upcoming salon on the topic of p0rn culture, relationships, and how we can protect ourselves and our families from exploitative programming (all very much related to the transhumanist movement.
Join The Bauhauswife Birth Circle, my private online community for birth-workers, mothers, and women at every stage of life, where I show up to offer direct support and weekly live conversations as you move through pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, motherhood and beyond—HERE.
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