I have been a sovereign birth activist for over twenty years, and I every time I think I’ve heard everything…another nut shows up.
In fact, as I wrote, in my book PORTAL, “[w]hen I was seventeen years old, I was informed by a doctor (during one of the last visits I would ever make to a gynaecologist’s office prior to exiting the medical system almost entirely) that my pelvis was likely far too “narrow” and “masculine” to ever give birth naturally (let alone painlessly).”
Since then, of course, I have given birth to ten babies, and I’m guessing (though this has yet to be confirmed by a physician) that my pelvis is just fine.
(Photo above, of our younger kids helping to burn the umbilical cord of my 10th baby, born two hours before, at home).
But even I was shocked when I came across a reel, a few days ago, by “board certified OBGYN” Dr. Fran (On Insta @pagingdrfran), who blatantly suggests that to become pregnant is a near-suicidal endeavour. “Humans are actually really bad at reproducing,” Dr. Fran asserts with nauseating smugness. “Our bodies are really not meant for this. Every time we get pregnant, our body is trying to off us.”
While this may indeed sound comical, absurd, and ludicrous to many of my readers, controversy sells. And yes, I realize that I’m contributing to Dr. Fran’s celebrity moment here, but there are a few layers of undeniable logic to her delusional, self-hating proclamations that I want to explore.
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First of all, of course this is what a board-certified OBGYN would say whose income, status, and identity are utterly dependent on convincing women that our bodies are uniquely broken (among all other mammals) and that somehow, for humans, reproduction is akin to self-murder.
Obstetricians are trained to abuse mothers and babies, destroy birth, then rush in to save the day with their gadgets and paraphernalia, and finally, when everyone miraculously survives, (albeit terrified and traumatized), the obstetrician then delusionally claims that they were the heroic rescuers.
The vast majority of women I have worked with over the past twenty years as a birth-witness, traditional birth attendant, and birth-trauma coach, have their own histories of having been abused by “board certified obgyns” and medical midwives, which is precisely why and how many women end up discovering freebirth.
Many of those women were given a litany of reasons by these so-called “experts” for why they would never be able to give birth without the supervision, surveillance, and management of these dilettantes.
And most of those women—like me—proved those board certified obgyns and licensed midwives wrong.
The idea that “historically” women were constantly dying during childbirth is now being questioned not only by the cranks and conspiracy theorists, but by women who know this isn’t true simply because they too have turned away from the obstetric industrial complex to eventually find themselves reaching between their own thighs in ecstasy, to claim and receive their precious babies as they slip peacefully into their hands.
If it is the case to any extent that there was a point in history where heaps of women were dropping like flies left right and centre during and immediately after childbirth (which I doubt), this was a result of unnecessary sabotage and interference on the part of professional stakeholders and enforcers of early forms of transhumanism, of which the control of birth—the ultimate expression of human creativity—has always been at the forefront.
Woven into the rapey realities of obstetric culture are deeper layers of a fundamentally twisted worldview, shaped by centuries of academic nonsense, economic greed, and spiritual inversion.
One of the most persistent and warped falsities about human biology remains, as I observe in PORTAL “[t]he mythical illusion that human birth is dysfunctional on account of our large heads and our stunted, defective pelvises—known within the disciplines of anthropology and medicine as ‘the obstetric dilemma’ [a myth that] must be maintained to perpetuate the fantasy that macroevolution is real, and the destruction of birth is central to reinforcing this conceit.”(p. 103)
All of this relates not only to the obvious sabotage and interference of medical doctors, but of midwives as well. Going by every primary historical document on midwifery practices (including anthropological accounts) I have ever managed to get my hands on (and I’ve read quite a few) I now believe that midwives were the first unwitting saboteurs of childbirth.
Early midwifery practices were horrifying and most midwifery today is just as bad, and I have yet to come across any descriptions of “indigenous” midwifery that don’t involve procedures and protocols that are profoundly misanthropic.