I dont think it is all a charade. There are aspects of charade but there are also elements that are desperately real. Example: Trump never mandated the covid vax, and his party was against the covid vaxx mandate. The Biden adminstration mandated the covid vax for millions of Americans, including pregnant women. Nurses, federal employees, who were pregnant were forced to get two shots, or lose their jobs!! Example two: Republican run Alabama passed a law that banned gender reassignment surgery for minors. Banned it. The Biden administration is suing the state, so as to overturn that law!

Those are real differences, and there are others. That is not kabuki theatre, these are laws that effect people's lives.

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I found myself nodding all the way through this, slowly at first and then more vigorously until your last paragraph made me cry. Best post ever Yo!

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Aw, thank you so much Yasmina. I'm so glad it resonated with you. All the very best to you.

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